curated | lovefoxy

Berlin’s club scene is celebrated worldwide for several reasons but what truly keeps the pulse of a city’s nightlife going is its people. DJ Lovefoxy is one of rising tastemakers bringing her love for House music to a global stage. Seeing Lovefoxy live is a transportive experience. Her mixes are a hypnotic blend of genres but beyond the music, she brings an iconic diva energy and showmanship behind the decks that is nothing short of infectious. Lovefoxy’s star aura is now available in tangible form as this summer saw the release of her debut EP Burning Down The Sluthouse. There is an inclusive celebratory element to Lovefoxy’s music that draws you in. It’s exactly what has led her to DJing at some of the biggest events in music from Glastonbury to Pacha Ibiza and Tomorrowland. Schön! got to know the star a little better and Lovefoxy curated a playlist of her ultimate tracks.

Hey Lovefoxy, what are you up to right now?

Hiiiiiiiii Schön! We are in the middle of festival season which is super exciting and I am working on new music. My first EP Burning Down The Sluthouse was just released and I love to see others playing and enjoying that slutty summer tune! It’s exactly how I have envisioned it.

If someone asked you what your origin story was, how would you describe it? 

I am a Berlin child — probably way too proud of it like the rest of us — that just partied it out with my best friends from a very young age. My interest for music and my family’s heritage in the early club days in Berlin probably sealed the deal. 

Who would play you in the story of your life?

A bombshell who isn’t born yet.

What is the most precious thing in your wardrobe?

The wardrobe itself. I got myself one that lights up when you open the door and I am crazy proud of it. It makes everything inside look very Alexis from Denver Clan. 

Describe your style in three words.

Heels, short things and heels. Quite free and very unserious.

How do you unwind from the long hours of DJing in heels?

Asking friends to piggy back me to the greenroom, jk. It’s a LF company secret I can’t spill, but saying it’s easy would be a lie. 

Which living person do you most admire? 

Fran Fine, Toni Morrison, Aretha Franklin. (I know that she’s not living but needed to be here) 

Where are you happiest?

Wherever my angels are (friends and loved ones) 

You’ve just come back playing at Glastonbury. What was the experience like for you?

I liked it! In theory, very different to what Love Foxy stands for in terms of the sleeping situation, but you gotta dive in and enjoy and that’s what I did! It’s fun to see how sacred the space is compared to other festivals I have been to and how proud the Brits are of it. I definitely  need to go back and stay longer to experience it in full.

If you could play any venue, which one would it be? 

There are a couple on my list still and it wouldn’t be fair to pin it down to one. It’s not so much the venue but places I have just never seen before and fun new energies. Bring it on 2025.

Lovefoxy‘s EP ‘Burning Down The Sluthouse‘ is out now.

photography. Julien Tell
talent. Lovefoxy
words. Shama Nasinde

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