interview | joshua colley

full look. Paris Laundry
full look. Valentino

Sometimes you make choices in life that connect to what may seem like random coincidences tied together by an invisible string, when finally the series of events all make sense. Much like Ariana Grande manifesting her role in the upcoming Wicked movie, emerging actor Joshua Colley quite literally manifested his role of Hook in the latest installment of Disney’s Descendants: The Rise of Red. From making the bold choice of sporting the unpopular Captain Hook Halloween costume at 7 years old when the obvious choice was the hero, Peter Pan. Or wearing a scar on his cheek from an accident with a Peter Pan statue outside of a thrift shop when he first moved to LA. These remarkable serendipities paired with his experience in musical theatre and love for Disney ultimately led Colley to land this role of a lifetime. 

At just 22 years old, Colley already has some impressive bullets on his acting resume. In 2013, he landed the role of Les in Disney’s Newsies on Broadway, and the following year he took on the role of Gavroche in the Broadway revival of Les Miserables, alternating in that role with Gaten Matarazzo. He has a few on-screen accolades as well, including Netflix’s Love, Victor, the Rebel Wilson comedy Senior Year, Dead Boy Detectives, and Hulu’s Sex Appeal. As if he isn’t busy enough, he’s also adding musical artists to his list of skills, as he plans to release his original “indie sad boy” music later this year. And now, in the ever-expanding world of Disney’s Descendants, where the children of iconic heroes and villains forge their paths, Colley emerges into the magnetic Hook in the latest installment, The Rise of Red

The week of the film’s release, Schön! sat down with Joshua Colley as he spilled all about his version of Captain Hook and everything that led him to landing this role, stepping into the world of Auradon for the first time, the love infused between the rest of the Descendants cast, and his dream of taking on the role of a very popular Disney prince. 

full look. Aknvas
full look. Valentino

Congrats on the release of Descendants: The Rise of Red! How does it feel that the project is nearly out into the world?

Thank you so much – I am so excited! We filmed it almost two years ago – at least that’s what it feels like. It’s all a blur. It’s been a while since the whole cast has been all together – we’ve been doing press and being united all together again has been so wonderful and we’re all so, so excited for everyone to see this movie. I know Descendants fans have been eagerly waiting for the next installment – I know I have, and I am maybe the biggest Descendants fan [laughs]. I think the world and the movie is so rich and cool, and the songs are amazing, so I’m just so excited for people to see it all together. I know people have gotten little glimpses of it here and there, but when you see it all together, it really slays [laughs].

I know you and the cast just had a big appearance at Vidcon. What was it like being in front of a huge group of fans as a cast for the first time? How was the energy? 

Oh my gosh, the energy was palpable! This was one of our first experiences as a cast to be able to interact with the fans face to face, and we were all very nervous because this is such a big franchise and it’s so near and dear to a lot of people’s hearts, including mine. We were just eagerly waiting to be able to talk with everyone, and they were so welcoming and so kind and so excited for the movie. To see that excitement has been really great because we’ve been excited and keeping our mouths shut not to spoil anything! We’re just so excited for people to see the work that has been put into it. 

You answered my question on if you were a big Descendants fan before joining the franchise, but do you remember your first experience being introduced to the world of Descendants

I was such a huge fan of the High School Musical movies, and Kenny Ortega directed those, so I was just a big Kenny Ortega fan. So, when my parents or whoever put on the [Descendents] I knew it was the same guy! I was immediately hooked. I’m such a musical theatre boy – I did Broadway when I was younger, and so movie musicals were really my introduction to the world of musical theatre and that merge of TV and film. These Disney Channel Original Movies are really what got me to where I am right now. The original Descendants were a staple in my house, and they are so well done. The cast is so wonderful and the songs are amazing and I still hear them every day. The Descendants Halloween costumes were still some of the most popular Halloween costumes just last year. The world has still been around me, and everyone really, even though there hasn’t been a new movie in a while! I was also such a big fan of Captain Hook, which is the part I am playing. I actually dressed up as Captain Hook for Halloween when I was seven – I was manifesting it!

full look. J.LINDEBERG
full look. Isabel Marant

Well, you obviously manifested it, but what specifically led you to audition for the role of Hook?

It was just like any other audition, it just came into my inbox! I was actually already aware of the project because some of my other friends were going out for the roles of Red and Chloe, and I’m kind of like the communal self-tape helper [laughs] – everyone always calls me to help them with their self-tapes and read with them, which I love doing. I thought it was so exciting that they were doing another Descendants movie, and secretly was like “damn, I wish I could be in this movie!” A couple of weeks later, I got the audition for Captain Hook, and I knew exactly what to do with his character. They thought that I did a great job apparently, and I had a call back right after that, and then I got it! It was a very easy audition process, which I know wasn’t the case for a lot of the cast because these are such huge roles. Especially the girls– they went through lots of stages and rounds. I got lucky, it was pretty quick for me. 

Well, when the casting people know they found the right person, they know!

[laughs] Oh my gosh, I guess! I just put on that British accent, and it was go time!

I read on your instagram that the cast is your family. What was it like filming with this incredible cast?

I actually knew Dara already before, we had just become friends. So when I found out I was going to be one of her henchmen I was so excited. We all kind of got into a group chat before we went to film, and we were all sending voice notes back and forth to get to know each other. We had already built a really strong friendship online before we even got to Georgia, where we were filming. When we all saw each other for the first time it was sort of like seeing an old friend – it was so wonderful and it really helped create that on-screen chemistry. We also had a lot of rehearsal time before to really get to know each other. I’m not really a dancer per se [laughs] so that was kind of my bonding experience with a lot of them, trying to really get down these dances. It kind of gave us something to bond over. All of us were just so excited to be there and they are the sweetest people ever. The dynamic of the whole cast together is perfect. Everyone fits so perfectly in the group and I love them so much all equally. They are also such great role models for the kids that are going to get to see this movie. I look up to them, so I know a lot of the fans will too. 

Do you have a favourite off-screen memory with the cast? 

Oh my gosh – so so many! There was a moment at VidCon the other day when this little girl that was hard of hearing came to the panel and none of us really realized that she was deaf. All of a sudden Malia just started doing sign language with her and they had a whole conversation – I didn’t even know Malie knew sign language, so seeing her break out into a whole conversation with this little girl was so special and so magical to watch. Malia is like a real-life Disney princess, I couldn’t believe it, and it was such a beautiful moment. So that was a more recent moment that really touched my heart, and I know that it probably touched the heart of that little girl too, I’m sure she felt really seen by Malia.

On set, there were so many funny and amazing moments, but one that comes to mind is when we would all come together for lunch in the trailers. There was one day where Malia actually broke into Morgan’s trailer and we all went into Morgan’s trailer in our costumes in this tiny trailer to have lunch together. It was so funny to look around at all of us, all of these crazy characters eating lunch together. It was just a funny, surreal moment. Like wow, we are really the cast of Descendants, a Disney movie, eating together. Also, Peter and I formed a really special relationship, that’s my buddy. Every day he would come knock on my trailer and say “you wanna go to crafty?” and I started recording him because I knew he was going to come and do the same thing every day and that was our little ritual in the morning. I have so many special moments with each of them, so it’s really hard to pinpoint every one, but the whole experience was just so magical. 

Getting into your character, your version of Hook reminded me of a young Captain Jack Sparrow a little bit!

That’s so funny! I was actually having a conversation today with someone because there’s been word that they are making a Captain Jack Sparrow prequel series, which is a dream role for me. Disney, I know I was already a pirate once, but I’m ready to do it again! [laughs]

full look. KENZO
full look. Valentino

Were you inspired by his delivery in the Pirates of the Caribbean films at all? How did you prepare for the role?

I’m sure subliminally maybe, because I’m such a fan of those movies as well. But you know, Captain Hook always has a very specific energy, just growing up with the character there have been so many different iterations of him and they all kind of follow a very similar pattern. But he hasn’t been seen at this age yet, so I sort of just really had a field day playing with his cockiness, and how this character would act as a teenager. Playing a villain is so much more fun than playing a hero [laughs] it’s just so fun. I’ve also always wanted to play a character with a British accent, and I think my British accent is pretty good, so I finally got to put that to use! Once you put on the costume and wear that hook, he possesses you in a way. It’s hard to even think of yourself when you put on that costume, he inhabits me. It all came very naturally. So, I was inspired by a lot of different pirates, but mainly Captain Hook – he is such an icon. 

Honestly, I feel like all Disney villains are icons, just as iconic as their princesses! 

I know! This is such a random little side note, but there was this one time when I first moved to LA when I was at this thrift store and I was climbing on this statue outside because I thought that it was secure, and it came back and hit me in the face, so I have this little scar on my face. After I got the part of Hook, I remembered what the statue was, and it was a statue of Peter Pan! I was literally assaulted by Peter Pan [laughs]. So I would think back to that when I was trying to get into character because I have a history with Peter Pan and I have a reason to hate him because I have a scar on my face from him! The synchronicities of everything are pretty funny. 

The musical numbers in this film are iconic – especially the villain number inside of the black lagoon. How long did it take to film that scene?

The prep period was the entire filming process. For weeks we would have rehearsals, even during filming we were still having rehearsals for these numbers. “Perfect Revenge” was I think the last thing we filmed for the entire movie, and so we really built it up until the very end. It was really in our bones by then. Ashley Wallen choreographed this project, who actually choreographed The Greatest Showman, I was such a big fan of him going into this, and he did such a great job. He is a great teacher as well, which I think is so important, especially for someone who wouldn’t consider themselves a dancer before going into this film. Now I feel very confident in my abilities which is really because of him and the assistant choreographers. There was so much prep. And then finally getting onto the set, it’s a completely different thing. We were doing it in a rehearsal space, so we kind of had to re-choreograph it in a way. We had to re-stage it because the different objects and sea creatures were shaped. It was so much fun. Finally seeing it come to life and seeing all of the pieces come together was so rewarding. It’s incredible what Disney can do with CGI and everything, they really are making magic. 

What about hair and makeup? How long did it take you to transform into Captain Hook every day on set?

For me, it actually wasn’t too long! I did my own hair – the hair and makeup department were very collaborative and it was so nice of them to let me kind of finesse my hair on my own. Then the eyeliner – I knew that Captain Hook had to have eyeliner and they made that happen, and that was really the thing that took the longest. Everything else was pretty easy! Like I didn’t put the hook on until I got to set. I know for the girls who had very extensive hair and makeup, it took them a lot longer, but for me, it was pretty easy! I wouldn’t even be needing to get my hair and makeup done, but I would still hang out in the trailer with everyone which was so cute and fun. I was just there to keep them company.  

I also read that you were a Disney Channel kid – so was I! As a Disney Channel kid myself, I feel like Descendants does a really great job of capturing everything older DCOM fans love about their films. Would you agree? What specifically do you love about Descendants

Oh my gosh, well yeah! It’s been a while since I’ve seen a Disney Channel movie that’s made me feel the way that the old Disney Channel Movies made me feel. This movie really captures that essence, and I think that was on purpose. They were really trying to honour the originals while still exploring a new world. It’s a completely different story even though it takes place in the same world. It feels so grand and big or heightened almost. I’m just really excited for people to revisit this world and see a different side of it, because I know that world was so intriguing. I think it’s one of the most rich in lore Disney movies – I can’t think of another Disney movie that has so many different aspects and different facets to play off of. It’s really exciting to get to imagine what these characters and villains are doing. We get to explore a lot of different characters and different plotlines. The messages too – like the message of being yourself and really following your heart is a tale as old as time, but it’s really wonderful the way it’s done in our movie. You’re following Red’s journey in discovering herself and realizing that she doesn’t need to be exactly what her mother wants her to be, and I think that’s an incredible message for everyone, just to be themselves.  

Embrace individuality. 

A million percent, that’s gorgeous. 

full look. Paris Laundry
full look. Isabel Marant

As a Disney fan, how does it feel to be a part of such a beloved Disney franchise? 

It’s daunting for sure, but I think we’re all very excited to dive into this world again. Being a part of the Disney family is so wonderful and they treat us so, so well. The other day at VidCon we were very close to Disney, so on our breaks, we got to go over to Disneyland and ride the rides all together. Now that the movie is coming out and we’re doing press, I’m really feeling what it really feels like to be in a Disney movie in every aspect of it – the posters all over LA – I literally just got back from seeing my face blown up on a big poster, which is a first for me. I just think they’re so incredible and they really are making magic. Not only are they magic on screen, but they are making magic off screen too by bringing all of these incredible people together and giving us experiences that we are going to remember forever. 

Well, outside of Descendants, do you have a favourite Disney movie? What is it?

My favourite Disney movie is Tangled, I love it so much! Alan Menken, he knows what he’s doing, okay? Nothing gives me chills like that music. That’s my favourite Disney movie. It’s such a perfect movie. I remember seeing it in theaters when I was a kid and I was so blown away. Flynn Rider is a dream role, but I’m sure there are a lot of guys who can kill that. But if Disney is down, I’m here for that as well [laughs].

I love it! I actually have a cat named Flynn Rider! 

Oh my gosh, no way! Wait, what’s your favourite Disney movie?

Oh – I would say my all-time favourite Disney movie is probably The Little Mermaid.. 

I felt that! I definitely felt that from you. 

Yes, I’m a siren girlie. But I will say, Tangled is probably in my top 5! And I’m a huge Inside Out fan. 

Oh my gosh did you see the new one?

Yeah! I went to the premiere.. 

Okay, premiere girlie! Okay! It was so good. 

Yes, I’ve actually seen it three times already [laughs].

As you should! That is a reasonable amount of time to see it. 

What is your favourite emotion out of the new ones?

Out of the new ones, I really love Ennui. He was actually making me really comfortable. Every time Ennui came in I was like “wow you really know what you’re doing.” I felt very safe with Ennui because he always had it figured out. I think Anxiety is also so incredible – I’ve gotten to hang out with Maya Hawke before, so seeing her in that role was so cool. They really just nailed that. 

Going back to the villain conversation– outside of Hook, who is your favourite Disney villain?

Ohhh. Outside of Hook, I love Ursula honestly, she’s a great villain. 

I love her, but I really love Vanessa, Ursula’s human form. 

Oh my god, Vanessa! Vanessa in the live-action was amazing. 

Yes! Jess Alexander crushed that role. 

Crushed!! Crushed! So good. 

At the end of the film, we get a little tease that this isn’t the end of the story. If we’re lucky enough to go back in time again and see more of young Hook, what do you hope for your character?

Oh my gosh, I hope I get a song for myself honestly. I would love a number called “Hooked On You,” you know, a play on words. You know like “What Did I Miss?” from Hamilton? I feel like something along those lines. Something jazzy would be so fun. Also, just exploring more of his story, like maybe a lore on Peter Pan. I’d love for them to explore Neverland too! We’ve seen Wonderland, and now Auradon. Let’s head over to the Descendants’ Neverland, let’s see what that’s like!

Well now that this film is out, what is next for you?

Who knows! I’ve been so preoccupied with this film that I haven’t even thought about what’s next, but I’m ready for whatever comes my way. Maybe it’s theatre, maybe it’s another movie or a series. I am just ready for whatever the universe throws at me. I am also going to be releasing my own music soon! That’s something to look forward to. I’ve been working on my own music and I’m really excited to share it with everyone.

Oh, that’s exciting! What kind of music is it?

It’s kind of like indie sad-boy music. That’s what I like to listen to, so it’s gotta be what I make. 

full look. Valentino
full look. KENZO

Descendants: The Rise of Red is now streaming on Disney+.

photography. David Urbanke
fashion. Nicolas Eftaxias @ FPA Artists
talent. Joshua Colley
grooming. Maria Ortega @ The South James Agency using Saie + Oribe
interview. Rachel Martin


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