
Coffee Crush: Tia Maria Introduces New Cocktail Horizons

tia-maria-1We might be one of the global capitals of tea-drinking – British heritage tells us so – but a new surge in coffee drinking trends are captivating generations, young and old alike. Bean-roasting specialists, artisan caffés and small independents sourcing the best grinds around are sprouting up across the nation, with a clustern of specialist caffés populating the streets of London. As the number of sales rise in the UK, so do the bartenders and baristas slowly merge their skills into one hot pot of caffeine dreams. More and more mixologists turn to coffee culture to bring the celebrated bean to the cocktail glass. It’s no mystery that a wonderful cup of coffee takes care, talent and skill to make – add a touch of Tia Maria into the mix and the results are, to put it simply, delightful.

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The blend is simple: an infusion of Arabica coffee beans, roasted to perfection, with a hint of Jamaican rum and a dash of Madagascan Vanilla. Beautifully executed compositions come to mind – from Tia Maria Espresso Martinis, to a more subtle Tia Maria Cappucino. Setting new trends in tastes and juxtapositions, the coffee cocktails championed by Tia Maria offers new innovative fusions of flavours. As more and more aspects of the coffee spectrum are explored, almost half of cocktail drinkers gravitate towards coffee variants of their beverages. Bang on cue, Tia Maria launched a new, trend-setting series at London Cocktail earlier this year. The Tia Maria + Coffee Project is exploring novel mixology combinations that will titillate the senses and tease your palette. Cheers to that.

Discover Tia Maria here.

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