
interview | zsá zsá

Zsá Zsá‘s music exists beyond the limits of genre. The German artist blends futuristic production with nostalgic dance beats to create the ultimate club kid sound. Her background as an actress radiates in her playful approach to art and visuals. There is never a dull moment in Zsá Zsá’s pop fantasy and her newest single MADNESS is just a taste of what she has to offer, not only as a singer, but as a producer too. In an interview with Schön!, she shares some of her surprising influences and the new music she’s working on.

How would you describe your music to people who have just learned about you? 

Probably like a strawberry lollipop with a black tar center.  A genre fluid mix of pop trap and euro dance, filled with punchy and feisty pop lines, that are full of double meanings and can be quite vulnerable and dark when you really listen to them. 

When did you first realize that music was what you wanted to pursue? 

I’ve dreamt of pursuing music all my life: I’ve always written poems and sang to them with the guitar and the piano. When I started producing a bit more the vision got clearer and I gained enough confidence to finally share it with people. It was definitely a process. 

Who are your main influences? 

From Björk to Shygirl, Charlie XCX and Grimes to Ghostmane and Young Thug, and maybe a bit of Kesha.  

Did you grow up surrounded by music? 

My dad is a Turkish rock musician and my mum used to make experiential pop so there was always music around me growing up. When I was four or five years old, my mom recorded this whole Christmas mixtape with me. It’s so cute listening to my baby voice now. It’s one of my fondest memories when it comes to music. 

Creatively, what era are you in?

My villain era, for sure. I’m constantly trying to break through boxes and discover something fresh and interesting within myself. I get bored quite easily. Right now, I’m really inspired by the feeling of raging anger, drive, ecstasy, longing and letting go.  

Can you share what you are working on at the moment? 

I’m working on a whole bunch of different singles that dabble in different genres and styles. I’m also really into visuals and currently building a world for the music to live in. 

Zsá Zsá‘s latest single ‘MADNESS‘ is out now.

This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by

photography. Maurius Sperlich
fashion. Nina Doll+ Zsá Zsá Inci Bürkle
talent. Zsá Zsá
hair + makeup. Melissa Righi
management. ZTA Management
hair + makeup assistant. Elouisa Kotterba
glitter cgi. Nina Doll
words. Shama Nasinde