
celebrate with Schön! & ravensbourne

photograph. jason ell / make up. elias hove @ jedroot / styling. david motta / hair. mark francome


Visionaries, Futurists, Oracles and Prophets,

In celebration of the ferociously fresh 20th edition of Schön! Magazine, we request the pleasure of your company at an evening of inspiration, invention and innovation.

Raoul Keil, Editor-in-Chief of Schön!, invites you to finish off London Fashion Week by taking a glimpse into the future at the inside the fascinating halls of the breathtaking Ravensbourne from 6.30 pm on Tuesday 19th February 2013.

Enjoy delicious delicacies courtesy of the Bavarian Beerhouse, drinks from Abnormal Vodka, One Key Gin, FIJI Water, My Smoothie, Kaptive, Little Miracles, Arizona Drinks and Mad Dog Lemonade and gifts and goodies from our generous sponsors.

Come and discover why we believe that the future is now. No crystal ball required.


In Collaboration with Ravensbourne http://www.rave.ac.uk/

catering by.
The Bavarian Beerhouse http://www.bavarian-beerhouse.co.uk

drinks by.
Abnormal Vodka http://www.abnormalvodka.com/
One Key Gin http://www.onekeygin.com/
FIJI Water http://fijiwater.co.uk/
Mad Dog Lemonade http://www.maddogenergylemonade.com
Little Miracles http://drinklittlemiracles.com/
My Smoothie http://www.my-smoothie.com/
Kaptive http://www.nworldp.com/about.html
Arizona http://www.amdrinks.co.uk/shop/

supported by.
Dr. Hauschka http://www.drhauschka.co.uk/home
Vitabiotics http://www.vitabiotics.com/
Conscious Skincare http://conscious-skincare.com/
Greenwood Organics http://greenwoodorganics.co.uk/
The Vintage Cosmetic Company http://www.thevintagecosmeticcompany.co.uk
Makie Lab http://makie.me/
Bodhi http://www.bodhi.uk.com/
Lee Stafford http://www.leestafford.com/en/
Bonny Confectionary http://www.bonnyconfectionery.co.uk