
interview | aziya

British singer Aziya is a force to be reckoned with. Once you delve into her discography you’ll be hit with riotous guitar riffs, captivating vocals and catchy hooks that remain just as engulfing on the 10th and 20th listen. In an era where Hip Hop reigns supreme, the 21-year-old musician offers a refreshing dose of psychedelic rock inspired by the likes of Tame Impala and Led Zeppelin. Fans can get a good introduction to her sonic tastes by tuning in to the covers she frequently posts to her social media. She’s an impressive guitarist brimming with edgy allure and magnetism. What’s most exciting is that Aziya is just at the beginning of her inevitable ascent. This summer sees the release of her new EP We Speak of Tides and her latest single, Blood, releases today. Aziya is undoubtedly a star to keep on your radar. 

How has creating during a pandemic been for you?

Musically, it’s challenged my production quite a bit. I’m experimenting with a lot of different guitar and synth sounds right now. I’ve been doing a lot of visual creating, coming up with concepts for my music videos. I’m about to co direct my next one and I’m  currently creating some merch.

What inspired you to start making song covers for social media?

It was a means to prepare people for my original music. I couldn’t gig cause of lockdown. It was the best way of connecting with an audience, preparing them for the music I was about to release. People could start to gage my taste and therefore my inspirations through the bands and artists I was covering.

Your song choices are always so diverse. What was the soundtrack to your teen years?

I  got into a lot of psych rock in my teens it started with Led Zeppelin, Flaming Lips and Tame Impala and slowly trickled into Ebo Taylor and WITCH. Oh and I rediscovered my love of Santi Gold.

What motivated you to pick up a guitar when you were younger? 

From a young age I was always so inspired by a lot of guitar bands and I would always sing vocal melody ideas. I think my mum clocked onto this and so I was bought my first guitar which I still have! Immediately it was a way of being able to accompany the melodies I was hearing in my head so I could flesh out full songs. 

There are so few women of colour who use the guitar as their instrument of choice. Although that is changing! Why do you think it’s become so rare these days?

I don’t think it’s rare. There’s some amazing female guitarists of colour out there from June Millington to Rosetta Tharpe. We just don’t hear enough about them! But that is changing take H.E.R for example!

In today’s internet obsessed age, do you think independent artists have an advantage?

I think they definitely do. there’s a lot of work to be done but it teaches you to steer your own ship, take control and get your fingers dirty. 

Can you share what themes you explored in your EP We Speak of Tides?

The EP is based around the concept of water, specifically tides and the motion of tides. I wanted to compare how that same motion of drawing in and out can be compared to the dynamic of relationships – how sometimes we draw close to people we love/hate but equally how we can push them away.  

Where do you usually pull inspiration from when you’re writing a song?

People! All day, everyday. We are such strange specimen. I love writing about human interaction. I’m yet to write a song about an animal. I’ll keep you posted.

Who would be your dream future collaborator?

Kevin Parker. 100%.

Lastly, what can fans expect next from you?

More music! You can expect my EP this July as well as another music video co-directed by me for my next track. I’ve also got my first headline show on the 21st of July. I expect sensible moshing. 

Aziya‘s new single “Blood” is out now. 

This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by

photography. Louisa Tratalos
talent. Aziya
words. Shama Nasinde

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