
fendi unveils trevi fountain restoration

Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain


One of Rome’s most popular tourist attractions, attracting a staggering 3.5 million visitors a year is the Trevi fountain which for the past 17 months has been under scaffolding. Financed by FENDI, the iconic fountain went under a major £1.4million restoration to return it to its former glory with the fully restored fountain being unveiled today.

The Trevi Fountain has been referenced extensively through popular culture within films such as the Academy Award winning Roman Holiday and perhaps even more famously through the iconic scene within Federico Fellini’s film La Dolce Vita starring Anita Ekberg and Marcello Mastroianni. Conducting an extensive restoration on such a popular and iconic site required innovation from FENDI, not wanting to disrupt visitors from the third most popular tourist site in Italy. During the restoration a panoramic transparent boardwalk was constructed by the ovrintendenza Capitolina which enabled visitors to admire the Trevi Fountain from a new perspective and closer than ever before.

The newly restored fountain can be viewed from today in Rome. Discover more about #FendiForFountains here.


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