
rhs botanical art & photography show 2023

Saatchi Gallery presents RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show 2023, 16 June – 9 July 2023.
©Paul Debois


For the third year in a row, Saatchi Gallery embraces and welcomes the artistic work created by leading botanical artists and photographers as part of the 2023 edition of the RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show. Showcased across multiple galleries, the art highlights the deft and delicate touch of botanical creatives, including the depiction of worldly greens and nature — from English seaweed and Scottish lichens to Australian Algae and endangered plants of Korea.

The new photographer entries for the 2023 edition include amateur photographers alongside established exhibitors, sharing a mixture of styles, aesthetics, and imagery through their shots which include the lush RHS garden landscapes to showing the hardworking gardeners who tend to the stunning temple gardens of Kyoto. 

Saatchi Gallery presents RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show 2023, 16 June – 9 July 2023.
©Paul Debois


Saatchi Gallery presents RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show 2023, 16 June – 9 July 2023.
©Paul Debois


As part of the submission process, entrants for the Botanical Art show must show a mixture of a creative touch paired with scientific accuracy and technical skill. After being validated and reviewed by a judging panel prior to the show’s opening, the artists and photographers are awarded with RHS Gold, Silver-Gilt, Silver, and Bronze medals. A few of the lucky artists also win special awards, including ‘Best Botanical Art Exhibit’ and ‘Judge’s Special Award’.

Light cascades across the galleries in the light-filled space, portraying the botanical artwork as if it’s living; capturing and embodying the essence of the plant itself through varying forms of art. Even to the untrained eye, gallery visitors will be able to see the intricate details included in these Botanical pieces — whether it be a tiny leaf midrib, overflowing roots, or the journey a seed takes. 

Saatchi Gallery presents RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show 2023, 16 June – 9 July 2023.
©Paul Debois


Saatchi Gallery presents RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show 2023, 16 June – 9 July 2023.
©Paul Debois


The RHS Botanical Art & Photography Show 2023 runs until 9th of July. For information on visiting, visit the Saatchi Gallery website.