The fun and beauty of braided Black hair comes out to play in this Schön! online editorial, photographed by Julia Johnson with art direction by Rick Gradone. With the expertise of ChaTwaka JacKson, the versatility of the braids take centre stage on models Mi’jon, Loreal and Jayla. Styling and make up by Shirley Kurata and Diane da Silva, with set design by Justin Fry.
This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by
photography. Julia Johnson
fashion. Shirley Kurata
art direction. Rick Gradone
models. Mi’jon Woods @ One Management
Loreal Ellis + Jayla Alex @ Photogenics
hair. ChaTwaka JacKson
make up. Diane da Silva
set design. Justin Fry
assistant. Cindy Quach
Schön! Magazine is now available in print at Amazon,
as ebook download + on any mobile device