
the young + the restless

Emanuel wears
shirt. Heliot Emil
earrings. Model’s own
Erik wears
top, jacket + trousers. Acne Studios
Filip wears
top. Our Legacy
trousers. Tom Ford
Tom wears
jeans. Our Legacy



Therese Öhrvall, Sarah Bassett and Sheri Chiu team up to bring this record of youth to a Schön! online editorial. Featuring Eytys, Loewe and Acne Studios, fashion is by Layla Hermkens and Josef Forselius. Taking care of hair is Khaddy Gassama while make up is by Elvira Brandt and Elva Ahlbin.

trousers. Eytys


full look. Acne Studios


Klara wears
sunglasses. Acne Studios
Binta wears
coat + top. Felicia Halén Fredell
Josefin wears
blazer + trousers. Acne Studios
jewellery. Alighieri


slip. Model’s own


Filip wears
shirt. Versace
trousers. Tom Ford
sunglasses. Loewe
shoes. Our Legacy
Seb wears
trousers. Eytys


This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by

photography. Therese Öhrvall
art direction. Sarah Bassett
production + casting. Sheri Chiu
fashion. Layla Hermkens + Josef Forselius
models. Karma, Emanuel A., Seb D., Erica D., Binta B., Afra W. + Gantuya @ MIKAs Stockholm Ronja, Erik, Truls @ 3rd Space Mgmt Tom Serner, Lucas Graf, Filip Roseen @ Nisch Management + Yngvild Saeter
hair. Khaddy Gassama
make up. Elvira Brandt + Elva Ahlbin

Schön! Magazine is now available in print at Amazon
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