

This Schön! online editorial, shot by Isabel Rovira and filmed by FÉMININ films, is bold and beautiful. Chelsea Princess is unafraid to subject herself to gazes, and stylist Eduardo Jairycovich sparsely accessories her body with tiny 404 Studio bags, Forgotten Ones sunglasses, and DEvaya jewellery as to say not much else is needed. Makeup artist Almudena Traver also took part in this shoot at the Eklektikos Room.

sunglasses. Silhouette @ The Forgotten Ones
sunglasses. Valentino @ The Forgotten Ones

hat. 404 Studio
headpiece. 404 Studio x Lavani

bag. 404 Studio

glove. Stylist’s own

sunglasses. Bads @ The Forgotten Ones
shoes. Zara
jewellery. DEvaya

jewellery. DEvaya
jewellery. DEvaya


This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by

photography. Isabel Rovira
fashion film. FÉMININ films
fashion. Eduardo Jairycovich
model. Chelsea Princess @ Francina Models
make up. Almudena Traver
music. Le Nais
location. Eklektikos Room

Schön! Magazine is now available in print at Amazon
as ebook download + on any mobile device

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