
♥ i put a spell on you

Double, double, toil and trouble are words best kept for Halloween but this hot chocolate love potion could spice things up for you this Valentine’s Day. Using ingredients based on an aphrodisiac spell, this special hot chocolate has been tinkered with by Fortnum and Mason to give you a delicious way to heat things up for you and your special someone. The ‘secret spices’ are guaranteed to turn things up a notch. Moreover, if you find yourself single this year, ditch the love birds and treat yourself to a luxurious evening in with this loving concoction.

(We know what you’re thinking, and slipping this into the drink of your tall, dark and handsome colleague and then wheeling them around this V-day in a love struck haze, is a bad idea.)

To buy the Love Potion Hot Chocolate, head over to the Fortnum and Mason website

Words / Jade Thompson.
Follow her on Twitter @ IRWRITER