Two friends on an adventure. This joyful series created by Luis Munoz features the two titular characters, Bebe and Manuka, as they explore the world and all of the beautiful and strange things it has to offer. Every drawing is a celebration, showcasing the characters playing games and having fun in a variety of situations. Each character is different; Bebe is a small boy with an imagination that extends far beyond our conceivable world, whereas Manuka is his loyal friend and sidekick. Together, the two create an unstoppable force of adventure and curiosity, always looking to the future and loving what they see.
Now, Munoz has paired with Lifestyle Travel Trading to create a limited clothing series based on the characters. Featuring three playful drawings on a variety of looks, the pieces follow the duo’s travels and embraces the same colorful, endless joy present in the illustrations. Explore the full collection here.
Explore the full Bebe & Manuka collection here.
And make sure to follow Bebe & Manuka on Instagram
all designs. Luis Munoz
Schön! Magazine is now available in print at Amazon,
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