
american hero

Harness / Creepy Yeha Bra & shoes / Jackson Wiederhoeft Opposite Bodysuit / The Blonds Body Chains / Edgar Mosa Shoes / Jackson Wiederhoeft

Harness / Creepyyeha
Bra & shoes / Jackson Wiederhoeft
Bodysuit / The Blonds
Body Chains / Edgar Mosa
Shoes / Jackson Wiederhoeft


Reminiscent of a red white and blue firecracker popsicle, Ira represents an all American summer in this Schön! online editorial by Sarah Brickey. Bodysuits by The Blonds and Creepy Yeha chokers, styled by Tamara Barkley, set model Ira Chernova alight.

Choker / Jackson Wiederhoeft, Blazer / Mugler courtesy of Atelier 7918 Opposite Harness / Creepy Yeha Bra, panty & shoes / Jackson Wiederhoeft

Choker / Jackson Wiederhoeft,
Blazer / Mugler courtesy of Atelier 7918
Harness / Creepyyeha
Bra, panty & shoes / Jackson Wiederhoeft

Choker & bra / Creepy Yeha Skirt / Jackson Wiederhoeft Socks / Commes des Garçons Shoes / Marc Jacobs Opposite Bodysuit / The Blonds Body Chains / Edgar Mosa Shoes / Jackson Wiederhoeft

Choker & bra / Creepyyeha
Skirt / Jackson Wiederhoeft
Socks / Commes des Garçons
Shoes / Marc Jacobs
Bodysuit / The Blonds
Body Chains / Edgar Mosa
Shoes / Jackson Wiederhoeft

Bodysuit / The Blonds Jacket / Jackson Opposite Fur / Jackson Wiederhoeft Stockings / Agent Provocateur

Bodysuit / The Blonds
Jacket / Jackson
Fur / Jackson Wiederhoeft
Stockings / Agent Provocateur

Choker / Creepy Yeha

Choker / Creepyyeha


This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by

Photography / Sarah Brickey
Fashion / Tamara Barkley
Model / Ira Chernova @ APM Models
Make Up / Maya Rene