Blazer / Michael Costello
Earring / Meira T
Choker / Lili Claspe
Necklaces / Ariel Gordon
Dress / Versus
Shoes / Ruthie Davis
Earring / Meira T
Choker / Lili Claspe
Necklace (Evil Eye) / Sydney Evan
Necklace (Spike Charm) / Ariel Gordon
Cuffs (Both Hands) / Matthew Campbell Laurenza
Fierce and focused, Lyndie Greenwood has her eyes forward and fixated on her future, and she’s pushing through each day, one demon at a time. Sleepy Hollow is full of nefarious twists and turns, but nothing is stopping this vigilante of humanity from getting though the dark. Very much a modern day superhero, she carries a torch of perseverance through the fight for another day of peace between worlds.
For supernatural fans, Sleepy Hollow is the perfect destination to feed the thrill seeker’s soul. Playing Jenny Mills is an adventure in itself; very rarely does Lyndie know what lies before her on the show. “The team doesn’t let me see that far at all into the story. Basically, sometimes they’ll give me a little bit of an idea of the storyline to be followed, but I really don’t know what is going to happen until I get the script,” she explains. “It’s exciting, and I’ve come to really like it that way. At first it was a little bit hard to plan my character, but maybe that’s useful for a compelling performance, because in life we don’t know where we’re going from one moment to the next.” We certainly are kept on the edge of our seats as well, anticipating each new episode as Jenny Mills and the rest of the cast battle new monsters each day.

Trench Coat / Thomas Wylde
Jumpsuit / Michael Costello
Necklace / Sequin
Necklace & Earring / Ariel Gordon
Ring (Right Pinkie, Bottom) / Misa Jewelry
Ring (Right Pinkie, Top) / Logan Hollowell
Ring (Right Index Finger) & Ring
(Left Middle Finger) / Jacquie Aiche
Rings (Left Ring Finger, Both) / Sydney Evan
Dress / Sibling
Bodysuit / American Apparel
Necklace / Sequin
Necklaces & Earring / Ariel Gordon
Ring (Right Pinkie, Bottom) / Misa Jewelry
Ring (Right Pinkie, Top) / Logan Hollowell
Choker, Ring (Right Index Finger) & Ring
(Left Middle Finger) / Jacquie Aiche
Rings (Left Ring Finger, Both) / Sydney Evan
Meeting her sister Abby for the first time in what seems like a lifetime, they join together to fight the creepy things that keep us up at night. “They were estranged when they were young because they both experienced something supernatural together. Abby decided to lie about it, and Jenny decided to tell the truth, which made her seem crazy.” We meet Jenny doing pull ups in a psychiatric ward, a tough character with a chip on her shoulder, setting the tone for the season. “She was sort of an outcast her whole life. In the first season we see the sisters meeting again for the first time after many years. Abby has been traveling all over the world sort of having this bizarre, Indiana Jones style life, and now she’s trying to help with all of the monsters and demons.”
Lyndie’s history of marshal arts is helpful for the slaying of all these odious creatures, but kicking ass isn’t all it’s good for. “In just a more general way, having a martial arts background sort of helps you have a certain body awareness that is useful in acting.A certain discipline and concentration you get in martial arts is also useful. I do hope in the future I get to use more of my actual martial arts training on set.” After three seasons, it’s hard to see where Lyndie starts and Jenny begins. “I’d like to think after playing Jenny for so long that she’s changed me. There are a lot of things in Jenny that I admire. She’s strong and intelligent. She knows a ton about a ton of things.” Jenny has a lot to take from her real life role as well. “In a lot of ways, I feel like Jenny has learned from me too. Lyndie Greenwood is more trusting and open to people than Jenny is. She’s almost become more like Lyndie over the years than Lyndie has become more Jenny.”

Top / Cushnie Et Ochs
Trousers / Mario BH
Cuffs (Both Hands) / Matthew Campbell Laurenza
Necklaces & Earring / Ariel Gordon
Necklace / Sequin
Ring (Right Pinkie, Bottom) / Misa Jewelry
Ring (Right Pinkie, Top) / Logan Hollowell
Choker, Ring (Right Index Finger) & Ring
(Left Middle Finger) / Jacquie Aiche
Rings (Left Ring Finger, Both) / Sydney Evan
Dress / La Perla
Cuffs (Both Hands) / Matthew Campbell Laurenza
Necklaces & Earring / Ariel Gordon
Ring (Right Pinkie, Bottom) / Misa Jewelry
Ring (Right Pinkie, Top) / Logan Hollowell
Choker, Ring (Right Index Finger) & Ring
(Left Middle Finger) / Jacquie Aiche
Rings (Left Ring Finger, Both) / Sydney Evan
Skirt & Turtleneck / Wolford
Earring / Meira T
Necklace / Sequin
Necklace / Lili Claspe
Ring (Right Pinkie, Bottom) / Misa Jewelry
Ring (Right Pinkie, Top) / Logan Hollowell
Ring (Right Index Finger) & Ring
(Left Middle Finger) / Jacquie Aiche
Rings (Left Ring Finger, Both) / Sydney Evan
We’re all keeping our fingers crossed for another great season to watch her continue to grow. “We’re all waiting to see what happens with the next chapter of Sleepy Hollow. We’ve all had our hands tied waiting to see if there will be a fourth season, and if there is then I will be doing that, and if there isn’t I’ll be really excited to move on to other things,” she says with a knowing smile.
Lyndie definitely isn’t slowing down. Her new indie thriller Cut To The Chase is set to hit film festivals this year, laying down the foundation to what could be a very lucrative film career. Taking on another lead, Lyndie plays a southern girl with a tough side who happens to witness a crime involving the mob. While she couldn’t talk about the movie without giving anything away, the trailer was enough to keep us waiting for the premiere. Could it be a future in the movies? All signs are pointing that way; whether it be with her adventures be in Sleepy Hollow, or somewhere even more thrilling.
Sleepy Hollow airs on Fox. Season Finale today, April 8th.
Words / Mynxii White
Talent / Lyndie Greenwood
Photography / Robert John Kley
Production & Beauty / Mynxii White
Styling / Catlin Myers
Hair / Ashley Hall
Assistant / Lucy
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