“Under The Flute” is a half documentary, half short film about one day of love between two young men. It is based on a real experience of the same name poem ‘Under the flute’ by author Radomir Tsymbal. His lyric work is narrating Radomir’s experience of his first love with a young flutist Elisey. Both Radomir and Elisey are actors in this short film, repeating all of their actions that happened that night. This film gave them an opportunity to live through that bright day one more time and say goodbye to each other and to their sadness of unrequited and impossible love.
This work is an ending of Radomir’s gestalt. It’s a love story between two guys about their acquaintance, passion and then betrayal, after which loneliness unfolds. This story is a night full of softness, doubts and disappointment. Their union could not be possible. Nevertheless, Radomir’s reflection expressed through poetry is a tender capturing of youth with all his honest feelings. Radomir wants to keep the poetry genre alive as a strong tool to tell a strong story and this statement was very important for the team. The context of this work is not simple; it is prohibited to talk about LGBTQ+ love in Russia, but the film’s team refuses to be silent. Almost all the members of this short film left their homes. We cannot choose where we are born, but we can continue speaking about love and peace.
This Schön! editorial has been produced by
photography + color. Svetlana Redozuba
direction, fashion, editing + make up. Sofya Atalikova
talents. Radomir Tsymbal, Elisey Krupenkov + Daria Sorokina
poetry + production. Radomir Tsymbal
clean up. Ivan Vydumlev
music. Daniel Raskolnovich
costume design. Dieu Lin Vuong
special thanks. Sonya Papernaya + Daria Epine
assistants. Alexander Shpilevsky + Valeria Shershova