
Schön! advent | Cire Trudon

Lumière, ciel, étoile… the sweetness of the French sound freely echoes in Cire Trudon‘s emblematic sweet scents. Whether you’re in sunny California or in the sub-arctic, these Japanese influences are the perfect celestial trios. Stargaze with Étoile, count clouds in the sky with Ciel and give in to the light of Christmas with Lumière. Scents of cedar wood, cashmere wood and amber notes will keep you warm and content, wherever you are. A perfect gift for any candle-enthusiast.

Discover Cire Trudon’s iconic candle collection here.

Photography / Ben Reeves
Fashion / Christophe Ruiz
Set Design / Imogen Frost
Retouch / Studio Navona
Words / Marianna Mukhametzyanova


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