thinking forward, looking forward, future forward | nike forward

hoodie. Nike Forward

Change is inevitable. It’s better to move with it than try to resist its force. Rather than change being something that causes fear or anxiety, it should be celebrated. One champion of progression, innovation and development is Nike and pushing what it means to move forward with their new Forward platform.

Climate change is forcing our world to brace for impact. Now more than ever, it’s imperative to make choices to alleviate our global footprint. It’s something that sports brand Nike doesn’t just believe in, but embodies to the fullest. Taking action to create a better world, Nike believes that the world we want to live in is possible — we just have to come together to make the right moves to push forward.

hoodie. Nike Forward

hoodie. Nike Forward

Known for being a game-changer and styling game-winners, Nike’s Forward process revolutionises the creation of its apparel. With that ethos, Nike is committing to ensuring their Forward process has fewer steps than traditional Nike knits and fleeces. By reinventing the way Nike approaches their fleece, they are shifting away from traditional knit and woven processes. Doing this will have 75% less carbon compared to their traditional knit fleeces. More importantly, the final garment will be sustainably-made. 

The first debut of Nike Forward is the brand’s iconic and much-loved sport-inspired garment: the gray hoodie. With sustainability at the forefront, the hoodie is clean-cut and raw; going without embellishments and dyes to further promote zero water usage. Keeping things at a minimum — no zippers, trims or aglets — means the garments can be recycled, ensuring the impact on the planet is at a minimum.

hoodie. Nike Forward

hoodie. Nike Forward

The development of Nike Forward is the catalyst of 5 years of research. Understanding the importance of innovating sportswear to both ensure sustainability and create premium products for their wearers, Nike Forward makes their garments with fewer steps. Nike is a company that prides itself on sustainability-minded innovations — and Nike Forward joins the brand’s other forward-moving products, like Nike Air, Next Nature, Flyleather and more.

With less input — whether it’s less energy consumption, less contribution to carbon footprints, or less generational material — there is more output for our climate.

Nike calls it Forward because that’s where they are going.

hoodie. Nike Forward

hoodie. Nike Forward

For more information on how you can go forward with Nike, visit

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