
lava la rue

headpiece. Syban
cape. Astrid Andersen
top. Cecile Tulkens
trousers. Bethany Williams
shoes. Lucile Guilmard


West London musician Lava La Rue is an effervescent character. In an online exclusive shot by photographer Leanda Heler, we step into her universe of creative power and freedom. Adorned in ornate headpieces and billowing earth-tone layers, Lava embodies an animated heroine. Her free spirit is captured in a visual buffet of contrasting prints and textures mixed with futuristic shape and structure. 

Artist Jika Edström‘s illustrations feel straight out of an adventure manga. They capture an other-worldliness reflective of Lava’s music. The 22-year-old lo-fi hip hop artist writes with purpose and creates without boundaries. She’s a vocal advocate for the Black and LBGTQIA+ community and her new EP Butter-Fly is a sincere exploration of queer love, British sub-cultures and political discourse. Through her West London collective NiNE8, her music, and visual art Lava is a vessel for unfiltered self-expression.  There’s no stopping a star who writes their own rules and elevates others in the process.

full look. Craig Green
shoes. Craig Green x Adidas


full look. Craig Green


headpiece. Rysia Pierzchala Hecate
trousers. Patrick McDowell
corset. Syban
boots. Gui Rosa


headpiece. Rysia Pierzchala Hecate
trousers. Patrick McDowell
corset. Syban
boots. Gui Rosa


Lava La Rue‘s new EP ‘Butter-Fly‘ is out now.

This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by

direction + photography. Leanda Heler
fashion. Brenda Beaux
talent. Lava La Rue
production. OFF.MGMT
make up. Emily Wood
hair. DSR Hair
zine graphics + author. Leanda Heler
illustrator. Jika Edström
environment artist. Adam Lupton
creative assistant. Jessica Woodley
photo assistant. Rubio
styling assistants. Korede Alabi, Estie Hoops, Debora Tonet

Schön! Magazine is now available in print at Amazon,
as ebook download + on any mobile device