
♥ love letters straight from your heart

In a world of text messages and emails the act of writing someone a love letter (using pen and paper not Microsoft Word) can at times feel like a thing of the past. We can’t help but think that there is something a bit more intimate about being given a note written in your loved one’s hand-writing rather than good old Times New Roman, which is why Louis Vuitton’s very first stationary shop is a great excuse to get back into the art of letter writing. The fashion powerhouse will keep the stationary boutique open for one year, in which time letter lovers can immerse themselves in a world dedicated to all things written.

Honestly, there’s never been a better excuse to buy pen and paper and with Valentine’s Day on the horizon you’ll soon be counting all the ways you love your Valentine.

The stationary store is located in Paris in the Saint-Germain boutique, or head to their online store, click here

Words / Jade Thompson.
Follow her on Twitter @IRWRITER