interview | kim lee

Kim Lee is the multi-faceted DJ taking world stages by storm. 2024 is only set to be brighter for the star as she prepares to share new music to even bigger audiences. Based in Los Angeles, the queen of nightlife proudly became the first Asian woman to hold a residency at the renowned Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas in 2021, a spot previously held by the likes of David Guetta and Kygo. Although she’s always been attracted to the the limelight, her friend APL.DE.AP from the Black Eyed Peas motivated her to take up DJing. Since then, she’s paved an impressive path in the dance genre, having played across continents. Lee’s fan base continued to blossom when she became a cast member of Netflix’s hit reality show Bling Empire where she shined for her earnest and magnetic personality. As the new year brings new music, Schön! gets to know the international taste maker herself.

Hey Kim, what are you up to right now?

Right now, I’m in Los Angeles getting ready for my shows in 2024 which means a new set and new music. I’m also trying to spend as much time with my family before I go back on the road.

If someone asked you what your origin story was, how would you describe it?

I had a passion for music starting at a young age and my creativity has blossomed ever since. I always wanted to pursue a career in the entertainment industry but wasn’t quite sure what direction to go in. One of my friends APL.DE.AP encouraged me to try DJing. I thought that was a great idea so I decided to attend Scratch Academy in LA. At the time, there were barely any female DJs and the scene wasn’t so saturated. That’s when I thought I could turn this into a career. I was very determined, consistent and never gave up.

How have things changed for you since Bling Empire first blew up?

Things have changed rather quickly since Bling Empire blew up. I am now constantly travelling for back-to-back shows. I am a resident DJ at the world-famous Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas and my shows have gotten significantly bigger which has been so much fun!

What has been the most eye-opening lesson you’ve learned from the past year?

I learned a valuable lesson on how to balance my life more efficiently. I have prioritised making more time to rest and recharge so I experience less burnout. I have also been watching what I put into my body as well as making more time to work out to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

dress. acne studios
top. Alexandre Akhalkatsishvili from H.Lorenzo

What are your thoughts on more and more women dominating the music scene at the moment?

It’s refreshing to see more and more women dominate the music scene. I have found that there are so many talented local underground female DJs out there!

What is your favorite city to play in and why?

I love playing in Las Vegas. It’s so special for me because people come from all over to visit the Wynn and the energy there is seriously amazing. I do enjoy performing overseas as well as playing in states that I have never been to before.

Is there an artist on your personal playlist that you think people may be surprised by?

I listen to a significant amount of classical music. I am always either listening to or downloading new music when planning my sets so when I’m done I usually sit in a quiet room or listen to classical music to unwind and relax.

Describe your personal style in 3 words.

Chic, sexy, and fun!

Where are you happiest?

When I am spending time with my cats and eating good food.

What food reminds you the most of home?

I’m from Los Angeles so I’d say tacos.

Who would play you in the story of your life?

If there was a movie about my life, I think I would like to be played by Angelina Jolie. She is one of my favourite actresses and I admire her versatility and talent.

This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by

photography. Neex
talent + fashion. Kim Lee
hair. Yuma
makeup. Eileen Madrid
words. Shama Nasinde

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