
#inmyelement with Timberland

Launching a trans-national project of cultural and social exchange, Timberland introduces Life Swaps, a project which offers a traveller’s view on modern lifestyles. Partnering with media hub Vice, Timberland brings together four individuals from creative industries of four different European cities, namely Barcelona, London, Milan and Berlin. It all starts with a piece of paper and a list of things to do over three days in a specific city: the rest of the journey relies on the individual to explore the hidden realms of the city.


So how do Life Swaps work? Timberland have orchestrated exchanges over the course of a weekend, with furniture designer Marc Morro taking writer Sam Smith’s place in London, and vice versa. In parallel with this, Claudia Zalla, from Milan, will head to Berlin to trade places with Willy Iffland, a music and technology specialist, who in turn will fill Claudia Zalla’s shoes in Milan. The idea is to trade flats, friends and hobbies, so as to explore the city from the inside and to discover what the city is really like for the partner.


Proving that countries no longer wholly define our identity, these cosmopolitan exchanges are the perfect occasion to open up the travel prospects of these members of creative industries. Since travel has become an integral part of our lives, and since we constantly move around, globe-hop for work and have generally expanded our travelling habits, Timberland tunes into the curiosity and inherent desire to discover new horizons that characterise contemporary generations.

With nothing but a list of the top things to do, left behind by the Life Swap partner, the four creative influencers will be introduced to the city space as an outdoor, versatile environment, with plenty of treasures, whether they be cultural, architectural or geographical, to be explored. From the favourite hang-out spots of the respective partner, to the restaurants, bars, record shops, outdoors and favourite shopping addresses that the Life Swap partner recommends, the four pioneers will whet their appetite for all things cultural, gastronomical and travel-related. Presenting these city-scapes to the four travellers from a personal and insiders perspective, the exchanges will introduce the notion of #INMYELEMENT, a way of travelling which takes over someone else’s life: swapping flats, friends and hobbies will open up the city to each of the four participants as if they were their own.

This unique way of travelling will see Claudia Zalla, for example, discover the Neukolln Arcade rooftop bar in Berlin, while Willy Iffland will uncover the architectural treasures of the modern Malpensa airport of Milan. Marc Morro will be able to go fishing in London’s Regent’s Canal, while Sam Smith, on the other hand, will be introduced to cutting-edge Catalan cuisine, visiting the chefs in their homes as they prepare meals exclusively for him.


Adapting to this international lifestyle, and to the versatility of urban landscapes, Timberland’s Fall/Winter 2014 collection expands upon the rugged and refined theme that the brand has come to be celebrated for. Footwear and clothing designed by Timberland suits, above all, the wide breadth of activities involved in city life. From the green expanses of Lucas Gardens and London Fields in London that Morro is to explore; to the central park Palo Alto in Barcelona that Sam Smith, in turn, will discover, exploring the city in the Timberland way is a physical endeavour.

Whilst constantly at the forefront of functional clothing, with a focus on quality, Timberland is also dedicated to staying in sink with a trans-national, travelling lifestyle; a lifestyle that sees the individual willingly and excitedly take on the adventures of the urban landscape.

Launching in September, the Swaps will see the four creative figures exchange their lives for the space of a weekend, with customised tours proving an insiders view of each city. The process will start with Barcelona, will be followed by London, then Berlin and will end with Milan. Check out the video here :

Follow the Life Swaps exclusively with Timberland on:

Web: http://lifeswaps.timberland.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimberlandEU
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Timberland_EU
Instagram: http://instagram.com/timberland_eu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/timberland
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/timberlandeu/                                     
Hashtag: #inmyelement