Road To Pulpit is a short film, directed by Jack Flynn and produced by Bullfrog Digital, that captures the urban adventurer spirit. It follows motorcycle clothing designer Ashley Watson on a journey out of London through the New Forest and down to Pulpit Rock on the Isle of Portland. “Motorcycles mean different things to different people. For me, it’s about possibility; where a bike can take you, what you might see, what you might learn. Even if I’m not able to get out on my motorcycle, knowing it’s there is enough. It’s a line for my imagination to follow.
“I ride year-round, in all weathers. In winters so cold that I’ve lost the feeling in my fingertips within minutes. I’ve gritted my teeth through hours of driving rain, followed dirt tracks under the blistering heat of the desert sun and have felt the sharp, cold air as I’ve passed through the shadow of a mountain at dawn. To me, whether it’s a short run out of town or an expedition further afield, at their core, they share the same sense of freedom. This is what I design for.”
director. Jack Flynn
creative production. Bullfrog Digital
featuring. Ashley Watson
camera assistant. James Chegwyn
Bullfrog Digital are a communications agency, specialists in creating brand-led stories for the digital world.
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