Love is multi-form, ever-changing and personal. More than anything, it’s a shared experience – wherever it may be – and over the centuries, it’s taken on many different forms, in as many different places. Nothing summons images of romance more than a trip away in a undiscovered destination – one that brings intimacy, memories and shared experiences to the forefront. Feeling the urge to tie the knot or to create memories that last a lifetime?
Take inspiration from Antosh Woicik’s surprise to his partner Rachel Long. Both poets, Rachel’s lifelong obsession has been for Der Kuss by Klimt. An artist and poet from London, Rachel’s notion of love and intimacy developed around the painting. Boyfriend and partner in crime Antosh wants to bring her dream to life as he takes her to Vienna to see the painting at the Belvedere Museum.
It certainly comes as a surprise for Rachel – with such attention to detail and considerations for her aspirations – Antosh certainly knows exactly how to seduce and charm his partner. Celebrating the utmost romantic expression of their love, he wants to take Rachel to the winding streets and café’s of the Austrian city to cherish the moment together. Finally, as they venture into the gardens of the Belvedere museum, their goal comes closer: they embrace in sheer awe in front of Klimt’s masterpiece. Theirs might not be the most romantic kiss of all time – after all, Klimt’s lovers have inspired and moved generations – but it comes close to perfect romanticism. That was a moment worth waiting for.
Feeling romantic? Get inspired for your own Romantic city trip!