
an alien tale

uniform. Schueller De Waal
shoes. Stylist’s own
dress. The Makeover Factory
shoes. Tony Bianco


In this Schön! online editorial, photographer Woody Bos captures Elise Jansen in Schueller De Waal, World Domination, clothes from stylist Anna Claassen‘s own closet, and more. Make up artist Katinka Gernant, and hairstylist Sophie Wortelboer also help to create a mood that’s never at ease but also full of wonder.

dress. Stylist’s own
shoes. Eytys

top. Schueller De Waal
body. World Domination
tights. Falke
shoes. Eytys
gloves. Laura Dols
body. Wolford
shoes. Stylist’s own

dress. Stylist’s own
shoes. Eytys


This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by

photography. Woody Bos
fashion. Anna Claassen
model. Elise Jansen
make up. Katinka Gernant
hair. Sophie Wortelboer

Schön! Magazine is now available in print at Amazon
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