
ss16 new york women’s | gant

GANT Spring/Summer 2016 Presentation

The House of Gant presented three lines: Gant Original, Gant Diamond G, and Gant Rugger. With each line championing its own unique style, it’s easy to find your own favorite vein of classic American design to love. While all lines have casual and sporty tones, Gant Original was presented in a mirrored cube, and represented the most basic of the three lines. Models awaiting takeoff by a flight schedule represented Gant Diamond G, made up of casualwear with a hint of sophistication, while a clean wooden stage for the Gant Rugger component of the presentation alluded to innovation in crisp whites and blue denim. The lines may vary, but the House of Gant has one thing in common: pure American cool.

GANT Spring/Summer 2016 Presentation GANT Spring/Summer 2016 Presentation GANT SS16 Presentation GANT SS16 Presentation GANT Spring/Summer 2016 Presentation GANT Spring/Summer 2016 Presentation GANT SS16 Presentation


Words / Harrison Karabaccio
Photography / Courtesy of BFA


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