Explore a retro take on domestic life in this Schön! online editorial photographed by Angie Couple. Models Viki and Milo are styled by Marta Gil using pieces from Gemma de los Santos, Destiu, and Carvallo amongst many more. Hair and make up by Anastasia Babii.
shirt. Mlde
tights. Cecilia de Rafael
glasses. Diezdos
earrings. Pdpaola
tops. Gemma de los Santos
tights. Cecilia de Rafael
necklace. Pdpaola
earrings. Verbo
overall + vest. Wedufashion
socks. Cecilia de Rafael
shoes. Destiu
body. Carvallo
tights. Cecilia de Rafael
shoes. Destiu
top. Carvallo
shorts. Baalbomber
earrings. Pdpaola
tights. Cdr
shoes. Destiu
shirt. Ivy Kirk Collection
tights. Cecilia de Rafael
jacket. Lorenzo Martinez
body. Carvallo
tights. Cecilia de Rafael
shoes. Destiu
overall + vest. Wedufashion
socks. Cecilia de Rafael
jacket. Lorenzo Martinez
body. Carvallo
tights. Cecilia der Afael Cdr
top. Carvallo
shorts. Baal bomber
earrings. Pdpaola
tights. Cdr
shoes. Destiu
top. Gemma de los Santos
tights. Cecilia de Rafael Cdr
necklace. Pdpaola
earrings. Verbo
This Schön! online exclusive has been produced by
photography. Angie Couple
fashion. Marta Gil
models. Viki @ Generation Models + Milo @ Fifthmodels
hair + make up. Anastasia Babii
photography assistant. Isaac Calpe
photo lab. Bien Bien
special thanks. MeLoc
Schön! Magazine is now available in print at Amazon,
as ebook download + on any mobile device